Monday, February 01, 2010

Trying Again

It's been so long since either of us posted, we couldn't remember the blog's URL. I couldn't remember my log-in or password. But here we are, back to this fun little blog, attempting again to be less like kickball girls and more like real athletes.

Alena is again training for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler. And she'll be blogging about her adventures. (I'll humiliate her if she doesn't.) I'm trying a different tactic before jumping feet first into the world of running a lot. This time, I'm participating in a monthlong, after-work boot camp, offered by a friend who is also a former roommate. So Alena will blog about her running foibles and follies; I will, no doubt, have similiar stories to tell from boot camp.

So, about boot camp (I like to call it booty camp so it doesn't conjure such an image of scary Army life.): I'm excited and nervous at the same time. This is probably a typical reaction for anything new and different. I'm excited because this is 4-week, 3-days-a-week program that is FREE. And I'm doing this with a bunch of great gals (including Wendy, who is leading the sessions). I can't seem to stick with much when doing it alone (or as I learned during my training/blogging time with Alena, someone who is just as unmotivated as me and who can rationalize any decision to gravitate toward laziness.) So a group of people--especially who know me already--seems to create a high level of accountability.

I'm already psyching myself up with simple math. There's the maximum of 12 sessions. Wendy is missing one. So that's 11. I'll going on vacation, so that's two less, leaving only nine sessions. THAT'S IT! I can count how many times I have to do this on two hands. When I was a kid, I forced myself to do something new at least three times before deciding that I hated the activity. This time, I'll tell myself I need to do it nine times.

What sucks most is that it snowed this past weekend. So there is snow on the ground, and under the snow is muddy national parkland. Since the National Mall doubles as a kickball field, I am quite familiar with the yuckiness that is that mud. However, it's just mud, right? I've been dirtier before. So I have a a backpack filled with various sets of clothing, ready to work out in the snow--hopefully things will be warmer and drier next week. But it is February, so anything goes.


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